Why is hearing loss more likely to occur in winter? How to protect hearing?

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  • Source:Rca Hearing Aids
Hearing is as important as your breathing. No need to think, communicate directly, wake up from sleep and enter the ocean of music. But slowly, things change slightly, and you begin to realize that you often need others to repeat your words. If you're in a meeting, that can be embarrassing. You also often turn up the sound of the TV to the maximum level, and others can't stand it but you are content. When you wake up in the morning, you can smell the aroma of coffee as usual, but you can't hear the wonderful sound of coffee being poured into the cup and the greetings of the happy morning announcer to you.

Why is hearing loss more likely to occur in winter? How to protect hearing?

Why is hearing loss more likely to occur in winter?
Because the weather in this season is particularly cold and dry, the capillary blood supply function of the human inner ear is directly affected by the environment and shrinks. Once spasm occurs, hearing loss will occur. In addition, our lives are extremely stressful, and we may also be anxious and tired, and various functions of the body will decline, thus lowering our immunity. People with no ear disease may also suffer from hearing loss due to colds, high pressure in life, overwork, emotional excitement, etc.

How to protect hearing in winter?

To prevent hearing loss in winter, you must first strengthen your immunity and prevent viral infections such as colds. In addition, we must take the following preventive measures:

1. Relax and prevent burnout

As the end of the year approaches, many people have become busy, overloaded with work, Learning will inevitably cause adverse effects on the human body. In order to reduce the risk of sudden hearing loss caused by being in a state of tension for a long time, it is necessary to consciously adjust the pace of life, slow down the pace of life, and relax tense nerves. When you are in a good mood, the body's immune function will also improve, thereby blocking "external forces" from attacking our hearing.

2. Stabilize your emotions and avoid ecstasy and anger
Some friends are more likely to have mood swings as they get older, especially the elderly who live alone. You must try your best to adjust your mood. Excessive mood swings will cause the loss of autonomic nerves in the body. The normal regulatory function makes the inner ear organs more susceptible to ischemia, edema, and auditory neurotrophic disorders, resulting in hearing loss.

3. Keep warm from the cold and pay attention to temperature changes

Temperature drops suddenlyThe blood vessels will become thinner and spasm, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the inner ear capillaries and sudden hearing loss. When traveling in cold weather, you should dress well and avoid catching cold.

4. Do not blow or sniff your nose forcefully
The sudden pressure of blowing or sniffing your nose forcefully will instantly kill purulent secretions and germs in the nasal cavity. Impact into the middle ear cavity can easily lead to redness and swelling, causing otitis media. In severe cases, it can even lead to perforation of the tympanic membrane and discharge of pus, causing severe hearing loss. People with rhinitis who have excessive nasal discharge should pay special attention. It is best to blow your nose from the left and right nasal cavities one by one without using too much force.

5. Use medication with caution when sick

After getting older, many friends have basic diseases, especially chronic diseases. It is inevitable to take medicine frequently, but they must be strictly followed. Take medicine as directed by your doctor to avoid drug-induced deafness. For example, antibiotics such as streptomycin, gentamicin, kanamycin, etc., if taken for too long, may react with other drugs alternately, which may induce hearing loss.

6. Keep your ears dry
Moisture in the ears can easily lead to bacterial growth and infection. After washing your hair, bathing or swimming, it is recommended to gently wipe your ears with a dry towel to keep them dry.
Also, please avoid using cotton swabs to wipe your ears. In most cases, our ears have the ability to clean themselves, but using cotton swabs may push earwax deeper into the ears and block the ears instead.

7. Conduct a hearing check-up once a year
Hearing loss caused by the aging of the hearing system is often slow and difficult to detect. It is recommended to have a professional hearing examination every year to help you understand your hearing health status in a timely manner and enable early detection and early intervention.

For the health of our hearing, it is very important to develop good working and living habits: staff who are exposed to noisy environments for a long time should use anti-noise earplugs at any time to protect our hearing . Learn to release work pressure and life pressure well, and try to avoid a lot of smoking, drinking, etc. If you find that you may have hearing loss or tinnitus, it is recommended to go to a hearing center to have your ears checked as soon as possible. Some ear conditions are treatable, such as cerumen embolism. If you are diagnosed with neurological deafness, etc., there is currently no drug or surgical treatment to restore hearing. Early and correct selection of hearing aids will improve hearing.