What should I do if tinnitus causes me to feel upset?

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  • Views:259
  • Source:Rca Hearing Aids
Almost all tinnitus will cause people to feel upset, worried, anxious, anxious, depressed, irritable and other emotional changes. Some people would rather lose hearing than have tinnitus, reaching an unbearable level.

What should I do if tinnitus makes me feel upset?
It is generally said that tinnitus is prone to occur in people with high work pressure, little sleep, many social activities and emotional instability. Tinnitus symptoms are often very serious in people with anxiety and depression tendencies.

Emotional instability will aggravate tinnitus. In turn, continuous tinnitus will aggravate mood and cause sleep disorders, anxiety and depression and other emotional problems. Therefore, tinnitus-insomnia-bad mood-tinnitus form a solution An unopened loop is like a vicious cycle, that is, when there is sound in the ears, the more you think about it and the more you pay attention to listening, the sound will become louder, making the tinnitus "get louder the more you think about it."

The occurrence of this phenomenon is similar to a psychological reaction: for example, after a sad thing occurs, the more you think about it after a few days, the sadder you will feel; When you stop thinking about it, you feel less sad. Tinnitus often feels like this.

How to regulate tinnitus and irritability

First of all, the sound of tinnitus does not exist in nature. For some reasons, the cortex of our brain that perceives sound produces some spontaneous illusions. This non-existent sound is actually not an external sound, but generated by the brain itself. Of course, after being felt by us, it naturally It's "tinnitus".

The subtle connection between nerves and spirit is especially obvious when the brain is concerned about tinnitus. After long-term replication and suggestion, this connection may become closer and deeper, so as to affect the brain. At a deeper level, different areas of our memory, emotions, and personality are affected, resulting in a series of distress and discomfort.

Therefore, tinnitus is partly caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and partly related to emotional stress, anxiety, excitement, sadness, etc. For the latter, the biggest cause of the patient's illness is psychological and spiritual. It is necessary for the patient to receive drug treatment, but it may be more effective to comfort the patient mentally and psychologically. You might as well change your surrounding environment and let yourself Listen to more natural sounds. Ignore the slight tinnitus, go to work and study as usual, and just pay attention to rest.

At night, when tinnitus sounds, think of something happy, or choose to exercise before bed to help you fall asleep quickly. Many people have this feeling that they sleep particularly soundly when it is windy or rainy. This is the hypnotic effect of natural therapy. While on medication, the doctor suggested that he make some other noises in the bedroom. to distract.

During the day, if you are very leisurely and your tinnitus always comes out to harass you, then I suggest you keep yourself busy, or develop a hobby, even playing mahjong, to distract your attention. force.