How to detect hearing problems in children as early as possible?

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  • Views:257
  • Source:Rca Hearing Aids
There are 23,000 new children with hearing disabilities in China every year. Among the hearing disabled children aged 0 to 6 years old, more than 70% also have speech disabilities. Experts call on preschool and lower school-age children to be included in the hearing census as soon as possible. Parents should also pay attention to the "signs" of hearing loss in their babies. The sooner they are discovered, the better the treatment effect.

How to detect hearing problems in children as early as possible?

How to detect hearing problems in babies early can be roughly divided into two aspects: parents and hospitals.

1. From a parent’s perspective, a healthy baby’s hearing and language will develop step by step according to the following process:

* From birth to 3 months after birth: When the baby suddenly hears a sound above 60 decibels, the baby will shake all over, clench his hands or frown, blink, open his eyes and other activities;
* 4~6 months: The baby is sensitive to sounds. reaction, the mother's voice can be identified. Able to look at the mother with eyes when the mother speaks to oneself, or turn one's head towards the source of the sound when hearing the mother's voice;
* 7~9 months: Able to actively turn the face in the direction of the sound source, that is, able to identify sounds Directional positioning ability;
* 10~11 months: The baby responds to his own name, can learn to say "Mom" and "Dad", hears pleasant music, and can move his upper and lower limbs rhythmically with the music. Have rich responses to language;
* 1 to 1.5 years old: The baby can respond to the language he hears. When asked "Where are the nose, eyes, and mouth?" he can point with his finger. This is the best way for the baby to learn language. The best period;

* Babies aged 1.5 to 3 years old can express their feelings and consciousness in simple language;

* For children after 3 years old, parents You should pay attention to whether the child has the following behaviors:
(1), watching TV or playing with mobile phones very loudly; when there is abnormal movement, everyone responds, but the child always does not respond;
(2), always It is to ignore the parents' words and completely treat them as "turning deaf ears";
(3) Children are used to using only one ear when answering the phone.

2. If your baby behaves differently, it is recommended that you go to the hospital for a hearing screening for your baby.

In daily life, parents should pay more attention to their children. If they find that their children have slurred speech or slow reactions, they should also consider whether their children have hearing problems. They must go to the hospital for a hearing evaluation as soon as possible for early intervention. , reduce language development disorders caused by hearing loss.