How do you know you have a hearing problem?

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  • Source:Rca Hearing Aids
Deafness can range from mild to severe. Mild deafness or deafness on one side does not affect normal life and work. If one side of the ear is severely deaf, even if the hearing in the other ear is completely normal, it will be difficult for the person to identify the sound source, and it is easy to mistake sounds coming from all directions as coming from the direction of the good ear. Some people always feel that they have hearing problems, but they are not serious enough to go to the hospital for treatment.

How do you know you have a hearing problem?
1. Hearing loss often progresses slowly without discomfort or pain, so it is often difficult to detect. Here are some questions you can check on your own to determine whether you have hearing loss.
1. Do you often ask others to repeat what they have said?
2. When talking to more than two people at the same time, do you often lose track of the rhythm?
3. Unless you are face to face with the speaker, is it difficult for you to hear clearly what he or she is saying?
4. Do you find it difficult to listen to others in crowded places (such as restaurants and shopping malls)?

5. Is it difficult to listen to women or children?

6. When watching TV or listening to the radio, do you like to turn up the volume more than others?
7. Do you have tinnitus or buzzing in your ears?
8. When listening to others speak, do you always feel that they are mumbling to themselves or speaking incomprehensively?
Look at your answers. If many of them are yes, you may have hearing loss.

2. What are the signs that can help detect that a child may have hearing impairment?

If your child has the following behaviors, you need to pay attention:
1. Your child will not be frightened when there are loud sounds or sudden noises around him. Or will not turn to the source of the sound;
2. The 8-month-old child still does not bab or smile;

3. The 12-month-old child will not imitate other people’s voices and actions, or Doesn't understand simple commands like "come here." Children at this age should be able to use sounds to attract attention.

The electronic audiometer currently used can test the nature and degree of deafness. People with normal hearing will not find it difficult to listen to speech in daily life and work. If they can hear an average conversation at a distance of 6 meters, the hearing level is within 10 decibels. According to the decibel level of hearing loss measured by the audiometer and the degree of deafness, it can be divided into 3 levels.
1. Mild deafness; hearing loss is 25-55 decibels, and it is often difficult to hear ordinary conversations.
2. Moderate deafness: Hearing loss is 55-70 decibels, and loud conversations within 1 meter can be heard. There is also difficulty hearing louder speech.
3. Severe deafness: Hearing loss is 70-90 decibels. Generally, conversations cannot be heard clearly. You can only guess based on the mouth shape of the other person's speech, or shout loudly into the patient's ears. Wear theYou can hear what others say after wearing a hearing aid.