Does deafness make you feel depressed?

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  • Views:236
  • Source:Rca Hearing Aids
Some people think that deafness is just the inability to hear sounds, and sometimes the treatment effect is not very good, so they don’t have any hope. Many people may have heard of deafness, but they are still not fully aware of the huge harm caused by the disease, and we have not been able to pay enough attention to it. Everyone should take certain preventive measures in normal times to reduce the occurrence of this disease. Deafness is, after all, no small problem and cannot be ignored.

Will deafness make you feel upset?

Many patients I come into contact with are accompanied by emotional problems. Psychological factors play an important role in the onset of tinnitus. Some negative emotional states can aggravate tinnitus and lead to a vicious cycle. Therefore, you must learn to control your emotions and try to maintain A happy mood.

Deafness will seriously affect study and work. Being unable to hear or hearing the wrong words causes embarrassment and trouble such as difficulty in learning, difficulty in communication, and failure at work. Therefore, many deaf patients have been isolated from society. Long-term deafness will not only affect work and life, but also bring huge psychological pressure to patients, and will often develop into total deafness later! Memory loss, anxiety, irritability, restlessness, and depression.

Deafness causes patients to lack interpersonal communication and become withdrawn and eccentric, and may lead to the occurrence of early dementia in middle-aged and elderly patients. Deafness affects the development of the overall balance of the central nervous system, the auditory nerve atrophies, and hearing becomes slower. The patient's language discrimination rate and expression ability are extremely reduced, and even worse, symptoms of early dementia will appear.

Research at home and abroad shows that as long as children have mild to moderate hearing loss, their language development and intelligence will be affected. So we must care for and protect our ears just like we care for and protect our eyes.

Factors leading to presbycusis

● Genetic factors are related.

● Emotional stress or certain chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, diabetes, liver and kidney dysfunction, etc.

● External environmental factors can also cause or aggravate presbycusis: such as noise, high-fat diet, smoking and alcohol abuse, contact with ototoxic drugs or chemical reagents, infection, etc.

How to prevent presbycusis?

● Maintain a healthy body and mind, create a good living environment, and face the world with a happy mood every day For everything, always pay attention to controlling your emotions in life and keep your mood comfortable.

● Use ototoxic drugs with caution, avoid exposure to noise as much as possible, actively prevent and treat chronic diseases in the elderly (especially hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, etc.), and exercise moderately.

● Spend more time with others, use your brain more, and use your hands more.

When you find out that you are deaf, you must go to a regular hospital for treatment or a large hearing aid chain center as soon as possible, otherwise you will miss the best treatment time and give you causing greater harm to the patient's body.