What should I do if I can’t sleep due to tinnitus?

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  • Source:Rca Hearing Aids
Tinnitus is very common in life, and most people will experience tinnitus. The intuitive feeling caused by tinnitus to patients is very uncomfortable, and sometimes even symptoms of temporary deafness occur. So let me teach you how to deal with tinnitus? It is necessary to maintain adequate sleep every day, so as to provide adequate sleep during the day. Work and study are full of energy, but the quality of sleep is affected by many factors. Tinnitus is a common phenomenon that affects sleep, so how can we eliminate tinnitus without affecting sleep?

What should I do if I can’t sleep due to tinnitus?
1. Appropriate drug treatment, such as sedative-hypnotic drugs, diazepam is commonly used.
2. Tinnitus masking method, that is, after hearing test, choosing appropriate music, and using the music to sleep appropriately to mask discomfort.
3. Lifestyle adjustments, such as trying not to sleep or take a lunch break during the day, quitting smoking, not drinking strong tea, and avoiding the stimulation of negative emotions and adverse life events.

7 ways to relieve tinnitus

Anxiety about tinnitus usually comes from the frustration and stress of the day. Relaxation exercises can reduce the worsening of tinnitus and help you fall asleep more easily. The relaxation techniques my patients find most effective and easy to implement are:

1. Breathe deeply. Conscious, relaxed breathing can help the body enter the slower breathing patterns associated with sleep.

You can try the 4-7-8 breathing exercises:
Inhale for 4 seconds;
Hold your breath for 7 seconds;
Exhale for 8 seconds;
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Repeat several times;

2. Progressive relaxation. Intentionally tensing and relaxing specific areas of the body can relieve physical tension and mental stress and help direct attention away from the noise of tinnitus. Starting at the feet, work your way up through the lower and upper body, shoulders, neck and head.

3. Aromatherapy. Engage your sense of smell with soothing, sleep-friendly scents to help reduce the stress and irritation of tinnitus, helping you drift off to sleep easily. Lavender is one of the scents that promotes sleep.

4. Seek cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) involves working with a doctor to reframe negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. CBT is effective for a variety of physical and mental health conditions, including stress, anxiety, and depression. CBT is also very effective in treating insomnia and other sleep problems. Research shows that CBT can help improve the treatment of tinnitus.

5. Use earplugs sparingly. Earplugs are great at protecting your hearing when you're exposed to loud noise. However, people with tinnitus are advised not to wear earplugs in other situations, including sleeping. Earplugs can reduce your ability to hear outside noise and make tinnitus more noticeable.

Also, using earplugs too frequently can lead to earwax buildup, another potential cause of tinnitus. When you use earplugs, make sure they are clean between each use to avoid exposing your ear canals to dirt and bacteria.

6. Don’t ignore earache. Ear pain or discomfort can be a sign of tinnitus-related conditions, including ear infections and earwax buildup. Whether your ear pain is sharp or dull, constant or intermittent, with or without itching, tell your doctor about these symptoms.

7. Seek treatment for hearing problems. If you are having trouble hearing, talk to your doctor and seek help from an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist) or audiologist.