Is it possible to treat neurological deafness?

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  • Source:Rca Hearing Aids
There are various causes of deafness, including senile, hereditary, congenital, otitis media, ototoxic drugs, trauma, noise, knocking, other diseases...

According to the nature, it is divided into: conductive deafness, neurological hearing loss Sexual deafness and mixed deafness. Nervous deafness (SD) is a variety of different types of hearing loss caused by organic lesions in the cochlea, auditory nerve, and central pathways, including sudden deafness, noise-induced deafness, blast deafness, and drug-induced deafness. , presbycusis, etc., are common clinical diseases and frequently-occurring diseases. Most scholars believe that the microcirculation disorder of the inner ear caused by various reasons leads to tissue ischemia and hypoxia, inner ear edema, damage to the auditory nerve, resulting in hearing loss and deafness.

Can neurological deafness be treated?

Surgical treatment: There are two concepts in surgical treatment. One is the surgical placement of a cochlear implant (described later) to allow the patient to hear and speak; the other is intracranial space-occupying lesions that cause sensorineural deafness. Surgery, surgery to restore hearing.

Drug treatment: Because there are many causes of sensorineural deafness, the mechanisms and pathological changes are different, and there is no simple way to prevent ear diseases. Effective medications and treatments for any condition. At present, while ruling out or treating the causative diseases, the prevention of ear diseases should be carried out early by using vasodilators, drugs that reduce blood viscosity, B vitamins, energy preparations, and if necessary, steroid hormones within a certain period of time. treat.

Optional hearing aids to compensate for hearing loss: Wearing hearing aids is the most effective and successful method for deaf people with sensorineural deafness. Hearing aids can solve barriers to communication with others, restore self-confidence, and develop physical and mental health. They are even more important for deaf children. Wearing hearing aids can develop and utilize hearing and speech, so that they can be deaf but not mute, and step out of the silent world.

Cochlear implant: also known as electronic cochlear or cochlear implant. It is suitable for people with extreme deafness in both ears, where the use of high-efficiency hearing aids is ineffective, and there are no active lesions in the ears.

Can neurological deafness be restored through treatment?

Sensorineural hearing loss The treatment of sensorineural hearing loss is more difficult, and the possibility of cure is unlikely. Most of the patients seen in the hospital are irreversible old lesions of the neural labyrinth. In fact, There are no indications for drug treatment, but this type of disease is not an incurable disease in the early stage. For example, ototoxic antibiotic poisoning, except for neomycin, which can quickly cause deafness, generally develops slowly. It usually takes several months to cause deafness. The disease In the early stage (within 2 weeks), if it is discovered and treated with hormones promptly, it may be improved or even cured. However, when most patients seek treatment, the optimal treatment time has passed, resulting in irreversible hearing impairment. Sudden deafness The treatment of sudden deafness has various results. If the patient is relatively young, the degree of deafness is not severe, and the patient is diagnosed and treated promptly (within one month of onset), treatmentThe results are often effective, and hearing may be improved or even cured. If the patient is older and has various underlying diseases, such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, vascular sclerosis and other diseases, and the degree of deafness is severe, such as total deafness, the treatment effect of this sudden deafness is often Relatively poor. If the duration of sudden deafness exceeds one month, the treatment is often ineffective and may result in lifelong hearing impairment.

Why is the treatment effect of neurological deafness so poor?
Because the hair cells and nerve cells that give us hearing are only produced during embryonic development. Each of us has about 15,000 hair cells in each ear since birth, which seems to be a lot. However, once these hair cells are damaged or lost, they cannot regenerate, and one of them dies, making it impossible for the human ear to consciously repair hearing loss.

Choose hearing rehabilitation equipment that suits you in time: optional hearing aids or electronic cochlear implants. Hearing aids are accepted by the majority of hearing loss patients because they do not require surgery, are easy to wear, low cost, and adaptable quickly. Most patients with neurological deafness will achieve satisfactory results by wearing hearing aids. If you find hearing loss, you should seek medical treatment in time. If the effect of drug treatment is not good, don’t delay. Choose a hearing aid that suits you in time to compensate for your hearing. This can not only improve communication skills, but also protect residual hearing and slow down the progression of deafness!