How can hearing loss be cured?

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  • Source:Rca Hearing Aids
Deafness is what we call hearing loss. If you speak in a normal voice, the elderly cannot hear it. If the voice is too loud, the elderly will feel aggrieved, say things harshly, and have a bad attitude. Whether talking face to face or on the phone, it is very tiring.

How can hearing loss be cured?
There must be a division based on the course of the disease and age. That is to say, for young people with a short course of disease, we have to consider that the possibility of sudden deafness is relatively high. First of all, it is necessary to complete audiological examinations to understand whether the problem is low frequency, medium frequency, or high frequency. Oral drugs or hospitalization can be given, and vasodilator drugs, neurotrophic and oral hormone treatments can be given. Most of them can be cured. Progressive hearing loss is more common in the elderly. In this case, in addition to completing audiological examinations, we need to understand the degree of hearing loss and provide different treatments. For mild and moderate sensorineural hearing loss, drugs that dilate blood vessels and nourish nerves can also be given to control the progressive decline of hearing. If the hearing loss is severe, ranging from moderate to severe or even severe neurological deafness, it may be necessary to consider wearing a hearing aid to alleviate the hearing loss.

Minimizing stimulating factors in work and life can delay the occurrence of senile deafness. For example, reduce environmental noise, limit fat intake, eat more fiber-containing vegetables, fruits, fish, beef and mutton, etc., avoid alcohol and quit smoking, and actively treat potential lesions in the body (dental caries, suppurative sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.), fatigue Integrate relaxation and relaxation, insist on physical exercise, avoid emotional stress and agitation, avoid using ototoxic drugs, etc.

Vitamin A, vitamin E drugs, heparin, ATP, dexamethasone, alkaloid drugs, anisodamine and other Western medicines, astragalus, kudzu root, bone Traditional Chinese medicines such as Drynariae, Cortex Phellodendron, Salvia Miltiorrhiza, Zhigancao, Cornus, Rehmannia glutinosa and other Chinese medicines have certain clinical value in improving hearing.

Scientific selection of hearing aids, cochlear implants, professional hearing and speech training, and the application of auditory aids are all effective ways to solve hearing impairment. At present, sensorineural deafness accounts for the majority of hearing impairments in the elderly, and the rational use of hearing aids is the main rehabilitation method. With the development of science and technology, hearing aids are no longer simple amplifiers and only have amplification functions. Hearing aids have entered the digital age.

Once the elderly find hearing loss, they should go to the hospital promptly, find out the cause, and actively use treatment and rehabilitation methods. Do not stick to the traditional concept and think that "old people are deaf." , old age is the law of nature that cannot be changed., no need to go to treatment or rehabilitation. Because neuropsychological project tests on the elderly have shown that the elderly group with hearing impairment has poor regulatory beliefs, poor psychological state, and a tendency to depression. This shows that hearing impairment can also cause psychological trauma to patients, which will seriously affect their quality of life, greatly reduce their initiative to participate in society, and bring greater losses to individuals, families, and society