How do family members discover that an old man has bad ears?

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  • Views:122
  • Source:Rca Hearing Aids
About 17% of adults in the United States have some degree of hearing loss, sometimes caused by very loud, sudden sounds. Fireworks, gunfire, or other types of explosions can emit powerful sound waves that can cause eardrum tears or inner ear damage, also known as acoustic trauma. All of the above can lead to permanent damage and hearing loss.

How do family members detect hearing problems in the elderly?
The simplest way is to watch TV. If the old man always turns up the volume very loudly when watching TV, the family members should be more vigilant. The second sign that the old man is deaf is that for a period of time, the old man has spoken much louder, but he has not noticed it. The third sign is that the old man always "interrupts" when talking. The fourth sign is that you communicate less with others and your personality becomes irritable, withdrawn or even weird.

In life, some elderly people are familiar with their family members’ speaking tones and movements. Even if they are deaf, they can respond quickly, which prevents their family members from noticing them. hearing problems. However, this potential deafness often puts the elderly in danger. Some elderly people even get into traffic accidents because they cannot hear the sound of car horns.

Be careful when talking to elderly people with hearing loss
1. Before speaking, try to control the noise in the environment. For example, turn off the TV or turn down the TV volume.
2. Sit closer to the elderly person to hear more clearly.
3. The voice should be loud and clear, not mumbling.
4. Don’t speak too fast or too slow. Raise your voice appropriately, but don’t shout.
5. Ask the old man to repeat what you said to confirm whether he understood it.
6. Let the old man face the light so that he can see the speaker's facial expressions, gestures, etc. clearly, which will help the old man understand the meaning.

7. When talking to the elderly, it is best not to cover your mouth or eat while talking. Elderly people who are deaf can "lip-read" to figure out what the speaker means.

In life, some elderly people are familiar with their family members’ speaking tones and movements, so they can respond quickly even if they are deaf, which makes their family members unaware of their hearing problems. . However, this potential deafness often puts the elderly in danger. Some elderly people even get into traffic accidents because they cannot hear the sound of car horns.

Faced with elderly people who have back-of-ear problems, their families must take them to the otolaryngology department of a regular hospital for a hearing check in time. Many cases of hearing loss may be caused by infection or even tumors. Therefore, you cannot just buy a hearing aid in a drugstore.After paying the bills, you must accept a doctor's examination and receive symptomatic treatment, which is beneficial to the health of the elderly.